The Skeleton Rock Shock


Like A Baby

Part I
Zack and John have now been jaming now and been in a band for almost two years now. We've also had Mike Williams on guitar in the skeleton rock shock for a few months during that time span. A little while later, and ever since, Joe Granato has presented us with his nice sounds from his bass. Once we finally had our strongest line up of musicians we played a New Years Eve show at our good friend Hughies apartment. After that we decided to record four of our songs with Mike Britt at Gizmatron Fortress:Like A Baby, Deadbeats, Saul The Whey, and Anytime. Thequick one day recording session provided us and otehrs with a little insight into what kinds of sounds we were making and where we wanted to go with them. Then The Skeleton Rock Shock continued to play shows handing out the demo to anyone and everyone. Finally when we got bored we decided to record some more songs take more time with them and have them a little more how we wanted them to sound. Moderate six song E.P. plans eventually grew into a thirteen song E.P. that became Like A Baby.